Tristen Raab

I am a


Welcome! My name is Tristen and I am from Vancouver British Columbia. Ex-Actor now Computer Engineer.

Computer & Software Engineer.

Recent graduate from the University of British Columbia in Computer Engineering. Proficient in both software and hardware systems. Experience in web development, android app development, building plugin extensions and all manner of programming while also knowledgeable in digital system architecute, memory systems and assembly (x86 and ARM).

  • Website:
  • Phone: (604) 500-6165
  • City: Vancouver, Canada
  • Degree: Bachelor (Dec 2022)
  • Email:
  • Work: Available

I am seeking an entry level position in either software or hardware systems.


Below is a summary of my resume, the full PDF version can be found here.


Tristen Raab

A passionate and inventive soon to be graduate of Computer Engineering from The University of British Columbia. Knowledgeable in both software and hardware systems.

  • Vancouver BC, Canada
  • (604) 500-6165


Bachelor of Applied Science in Computer Engineering

2018 - 2022

The University of British Columbia, BC

84.6% CGPA

Science (General)

2017 - 2018

Langara College, BC

89% CGPA

Research & Work Experience

Linux Developer



  • Performed quality improvements of core system components in a large enterprise mail system using ANSI C, Perl and BASH.
  • Implemented and documented new components for the mail subsystems

Research Assistant

2021 - 2022

Systopia Research Lab, The University of British Columbia, BC

  • Completed an Undergraduate Thesis as part of a research project
  • Assembled data comparing different portions of a Deep Learning image preprocessing pipeline to determine the bottleneck
  • Analyzed data from performance improvements for JPEG decoding tool running on Data Processing Units (DPU)

Teaching Assistant

2020 - 2021

Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, The University of British Columbia, BC

  • Assisted in teaching activities for CPEN 211 (Introduction to Microcomputers) and CPEN 331 (Operating Systems)
  • Conveyed complex information in a simple manner for students to understand both online and in one-on-one session
  • Monitored and instructed in class activities as well as labs
  • Ensured fair marking and instruction across all lab sections


Below is a gallery of my three most recent projects. Click the link bellow the images to get more details.


Please contact me with questions at any of the methods provided, email is preferred and usually the quickest.


Vancouver BC, Canada


(604) 500-6165